I have been interviewed byt Oceania Football Center about playing in Tahiti as well as my career !
Full interview below : Benoit Beaujeon: a life on the road Today we made an interview with the french goalkeeper, Benoit Beaujeon, of one player who’s moving all around the world to realize his dream to play football. Interviewer: Hi Benoit I’m really glad to make this interview with you for Oceania Football Center. Benoit Beaujeon: I’m glad too be here. I: So let’start. You were born in France in 1992. In which team do you started to play? BB: I moved quite a lot when I was young. I started playing football at AJA Saumur, near Auxerre. Then i moved to play for other youth clubs. Finally i have joined a Sport-Study programm when i was 15, in association with Le Muc 72 (Ex Ligue 1 – Professional Club). Then I have played for Intrépide d’Angers for 2 years at the highest regional level, just below U19 National Championship. I: Then you started to go abroad. How was that? France was too little for you? Or maybe you dreamt to work all around the world? BB: I moved to England just before turning 19. It was my dream to go play in England. It is very hard to make i through in France. If you don’t go through a professional academy, it is very hard to make it to the top. There are not that many opportunities for player like me so I thought it would be easier abroad. I got to travel because of football. I’m always trying to find the best opportunities for me, to progess my career. I: I do really like this way to see life. If you can’t find the job that you want in your coutry you need to move. The world is so bigger and there are a lot of opportunity out there. Is difficult to live always abroad? BB: Well, you have to adapt. I found it more difficult in countries where i don’t speak the language but eventually you cope with it. Buh honestly, you get to see some amazing placese, and meet awesome people. You always learn from discovering new countries, new civilitasions, etc… I love it. In fact why would you stop to your country? I want to do what i like. If i can’t do it in my country, then i’ll go to another one. I: Well, as i said i’m completely agree with your vision of life. Do you have some funny or weird momento to tell us of you adventures in far away countries? BB: Of course. Once i was asked to go trial for a 3rd division club in Slovakia. Problem, i hadn’t played football in more than 2 years. I decided to give it a go. I took a bus, a 24 hours trip to get to Bratislava. I had to stay in a youth hoste. It was snowing, training conditions were terrible because of the weather conditions etc… We didn’t agree on terms so I didn’t sign for them but when you take a look back, you realise that’s really about opportunities. Be there at the right place, the right tiem, and always be ready. I could have signed my first pro contract there. I have also done something similar in Austria. I: So now you are definitely a professional player? BB: No, I’m not. I’m still chasing this pro contract. I was very close to do so last summer. I was meant to sign a pro contract in 3rd divions in Romania, but didn’t for some stupi reason. That’s why i ended up playing for AS Central Sport in Tahiti. I: So you’re doing another job there while you’re playing with AS Central? BB: I was offered a job with connexion of AS Central Sport. I declined the offer as I really wanted to focus on football. However the club helped me by giving me a coaching role in the academy with theri U11. I: That was great from them. In Central also arrived this canadian goalpkeeper, Vandall. BB: Yes. He is actually there to replace me. I left Central because i had better opportunities abroad. I’m in touche with a team that shuold qualify for the OFC Champions Leagye, as well as some teams in Europe. I: Why so? BB: I was injured on my last game with Central so I’m worgkin on getting back on shape to sign for a new club. I: I didn’t know that. I hope you will recover soon. BB: Thank you . I hope that too. I came back to Paris for treatments I: After your recovery you will still play in OFC? BB: Well I’m trying to get in touch with clubs qualified for the OFC Champions League. That was the reason why I joined Central in the First place. They had been playing the O’League the last 2 seasons and I thought we could qualify for it this season too but many things seem to have changed at the club since last year. Therefore I’m looking at playing this competition now. If I can find a team that play O’League i would love to go back. I’d be even ready to pay my flight, as long as they provide accomodotation, food, etc. It would be a very good experience and very good for my CV and my career. I: How is life in Tahiti? BB: Tahiti is amazing. I loved it. But it’s the kind of place where I would definitely go in holidays, but not to live there. It’s not my thing. I: Which are the problems to live there? BB: First of all, life is really expensive. And it’s not my lifetime, not on a daily basis at least. If you go there in holidays it’s cool, people there are relaxed etc… But if I was to stay there longer, for life i meant it wouldn’t work for me. Or maybe yes in the future when i will be an older man. I: How is football level in tahiti going? BB: There are some good players. Some could play in N2-N3 in France, but otherwise, the level is ok. I: So now you will wait for an opportunity? When you will be ready? BB: Well I have to see if the club qualify for the O’League. They are playing the qualifying stage this weekend. If they do, I’ll contact the chairman to see if they are still interested to sign me. But I really would like to play this compétition this yea Otherwise I’ll try to find something in Europe. I should be able to play again in 10 days. I: That was a very good interview. Thank you Benoit. BB: Glad you liked it. Me too. I: I hope to see you soon on the field. BB: Me too. Bye. Link to the interview : https://oceaniafootballcenter.org/2020/01/23/benoit-beaujeon-a-life-on-the-road/
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